All I did was find a free PDF template of an owl and a bird and turn that into a stuffed animal and then I did a blanket stitch over the edge of each animal to give it a better look. I then hung them from a Quilters hoop. I did add some ribbon in between each animal to just hang there creating a whimsical look. I did add 3 more pieces of ribbon to create the part that will hang from the ceiling. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but fell in love with the end result.
I am just so excited that the room is close to completion and can't wait to post pictures of how it turned out.
Oh my goodness! I never even thought about making my own mobile. I'm on bedrest and looking for something to keep me busy and this is perfect! I am in love with owls so I think I might do some sort of variation of this. You Rock!!